Rent a car in Ras al Khaimah: What's the minimum age?
We lend cars to drivers over 21 with proper licenses. Some vehicle categories require a minimum age of 25.
Renting a car requires what documents?
The rental deposit requires a driver's license, passport, or Emirates ID, and a credit card in your name.
Are rentals insured?
Our rental cars are insured. In the event of damage or an accident, an insurance excess may apply. Extra insurance can lower the excess.
Can I hire another driver?
Add a driver to your rental. The supplementary driver must be the same age, have the same license as the primary driver, and pay a charge.
Rental car fuel policy?
We supply full-tank rental automobiles and want them to be returned in full. Refueling fees apply if the automobile is returned without fuel.
What if I break down or need roadside help?
Contact our 24/7 support line for roadside help or breakdowns. We'll help you quickly.
Can my rented automobile cross borders?
Crossing borders requires permission and paperwork. If you're leaving the UAE, let us know.