How old do I need to be to rent a car from HM Rent a Car in Sharjah Saif Zone?
HM Rent a Car's minimum age is 21. Age limitations vary by car and rental policy. Age requirements should be confirmed with HM Rent a Car.
Can I rent a car with a foreign driving license?
HM Rent a Car accepts valid foreign driving licenses. International tourists may also need an IDP. Before booking, check with HM Rent a Car for prerequisites.
What happens if I damage the rental car?
If the rental car is damaged, notify HM Rent a Car immediately. The rental agreement and insurance coverage determine the method and responsibility for damages. HM Rent a Car can help you examine the damage and arrange repairs or compensation per the rental agreement.
What should I do if I need to extend my rental period?
Contact HM Rent a Car immediately to extend your rental duration. Vehicle availability and rental procedures will help them assess the extension's viability. Unauthorized extensions may result in extra fees.
What is the procedure for returning the rental car?
Check for pre-existing damage before returning the rented car to HM Rent a Car. Return to HM Rent a Car using their directions. If the fuel policy requires it, return the car on time with a full tank. HM Rent a Car will inspect the vehicle and return it.